A collection of JavaScript libraries that can be used seamlessly in both browser and backend applications. These libraries are designed to support a variety of functionalities ranging from math operations to financial calculations, machine learning, and image processing.
To include the libraries in your project, add the following script from GitHub Pages:
<script src="https://gopi-suvanam.github.io/di-libs/build/di-libs.js"></script>
These libraries will serve as a common foundation for several projects, such as jsnb and mappy, enabling easy reuse across different applications.
Machine Learning (ML)
Includes time series analysis and other machine learning tools.
Status: To be developed
Provides additional math functions not covered by the core Math
Source Code
Implements financial calculations, including NPV, IRR, yield calculations, fixed income pricing, and option pricing.
Source Code
Image Processing
Tools for image manipulation and support for AR/VR.
Source Code
Contains libraries to model and simulate various real-world scenarios.
Source Code
Focuses on image recognition and computer vision algorithms.
Status: To be developed
P2P (Peer-to-Peer)
Libraries for peer-to-peer communication and decentralized applications.
Source Code
AR/VR in the Browser
Enables augmented reality and virtual reality experiences directly within web browsers.
Status: To be developed
Speech Recognition and Processing
Tools to handle speech recognition and audio processing in the browser.
Status: To be developed
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Provides tools and libraries for CFD analysis and simulation.
Status: To be developed