Artificial Intelligence is facing its optimism and pessimism in the recent times. The optimists are the ones who have first hand knowledge about AI, and are the crowd who believe the fear pessimists face is misinformed. As AI becomes more common and sophisticated, it will clarify all the doubts about unemployment it could create, and also will show that the power, value and utilization of AI is not to replace humans. The pessimists, on the other hand, are hypothesising on how AI could end jobs for humans and also may be humankind itself.

In reality though, AI is a set of algorithms and technologies that are already powering many tasks in everyday life. From voice alarms to face recognition, shortest route prediction to smart email categorisation, spam filters to plagiarism checkers, voice-to-texts to smart personal assistants, AI is entrenched in our everyday lives. We can take the Curiosity rover, sent by NASA to Mars as an example. How does Curiosity use AI? NASA has upgraded the computer vision of Curiosity, which lets it to choose rocks and other objects on Mars to be studied on its own. The AI system is used to detect rocks and know their composition by analyzing their structure and the elements. It analyzes the image to determine the rock’s properties, such as its size, shape, brightness, and how far away it is from the rover. In the future, AEGIS may also be upgraded to do better experiments which the scientists could take a long time to conduct.


Rome was not built in a day. Artificial Intelligence is in its developing stage, and is blooming well in its applications. In the movie Surrogates starring Bruce Willis, we experience a scenario where humans stay in their houses safely without doing any work while the robotic surrogates do their household chores. Practically, this might not be the situation in the future. We might not have humanoid robots which actually replace human existence, but we will have robotics applied in every field and also intelligent machines. “Unlike in the movies, there is no race of superhuman robots on the horizon or probably even possible.” says a Stanford report.

Machine learning and its specific technique of deep learning have now brought in drastic changes into every field. It will take some more time for us to see full effect of the technology. Once we see the full effect we will be able to note, in retrospect, several milestones we have already achieved. The internet, for example, was initiated in the year 1983. But, it came into recognition in the 1990’s when computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. In the 2000’s the use of internet became very crucial, and now, 55.1% of the people have the access to internet around the globe. The key milestones towards this contribution: internet, WWW, the browser and the smart phone are clear now.


AI always need not be in the form of humanoid robots. It’s an area computer science which creates intelligent machines which react and respond how humans do. Humanoid robots like Sophia are being used for marketing purposes but with very little actual use. In fact, AI need not be in the human form, and if the human from is given to AI, it may also restrict the presence of AI. These days, we already use a lot of AI in our daily lives. One of such applications is Alexa. Amazon’s Alexa, is a voice controlled echo speaker uses AI to expand its music, smart home and digital assistant abilities- all while your phone is in your pocket, without taking any a human form. Thus AI and Robotics need not be a replica of human intelligence, in fact it’d be a disappointment if they are.